Hi Brightwood:
As residents of DC, we all are concerned about the rise in crime. Yesterday, Mayor Bowser and Police Chief Smith announced a Real-Time Crime Center will open in 2024 that will focus on efforts that reduce crime and hold offenders accountable.
On October 23, Mayor Bowser announced ACT Now legislation that is structured to support safe and effective policing and address recent criminal trends. In November, I submitted testimony to the DC Council in support of the Mayor's ACT Now legislation and I am hopeful of its passing as we all want to feel safe and secure in our homes and communities.
Please see the information below and the attachment for more details about the Crime Center, MPD Sector Meetings, and ACT Now proposed legislation.
LEARN MORE HERE: https://mayor.dc.gov/release/mayor-bowser-and-mpd-announce-new-real-time-crime-center-0r
My best,
Commissioner Kim Patterson
ANC 4A05, Brightwood Neighborhood