Hi Brightwood:
Just want to make you aware of a couple of happenings in Brightwood...
1. Please join me, CM Lewis George, and members of her staff for an In The Ward 4 You meet up on August 15 on the corner of Georgia & Sheridan from 3 pm - 4 pm to discuss issues of concern about this corner including drug use, crime, illegal dumping, and the blocking of the sidewalk by multiple groups of men using and selling drugs. As I have previously shared, I have requested this corner be declared a Drug-Free Zone and have continuous conversations with MPD Commander Lavenhouse about the status of my request. I have also requested through the Alcohol, Beverage, and Cannabis Board that the 3 illegal marijuana stores located on this corner be shut down. I have recently learned that these 3 stores will be required to close because they are not legally permitted.
2. Please be aware that Metropolitan Police Department 4D holds monthly Sector calls for Brightwood. Brightwood is Sector 1 and the calls are held the second Thursday of every month. The next call is Sept 12 at 7 pm. Please scan the code below for more details.
3. Dog waste that is not picked up and disposed of properly is a health issue and draws rats. Please see the link below to learn more about a new business that services Brightwood and other areas of NW with pet waste removal.
My best,
Commissioner Kim Patterson
ANC 4A05, Brightwood Neighborhood